Yahoo Music Problems
So, I have this really crappy laptop that looses it's harddrive every few months. I can always recover because I constantly backup the laptop. But, restoring messes things up with Yahoo! Music, and Yahoo! music doesn't inform the user what's going on.
Here where my symptoms, all my subscription music was transferred yet again from Yahoo music to the restored laptop. I click on the track:
Proceed to the end of the track
No music
Obviously an error, yet no error message.
Click on my launch cast radio station. No music, no error message, in fact a constant skip of music while still downloading tracks. Really this is taxing on the Yahoo Radio Unlimited stations bandwidth because one is downloading all songs as fast as it can, possibly causing a DOS if many clients do this at the same time.
So, why did this problem occur? You need to be astute enough to look at the download manager where the Error is reported, since the application doesn't let you know what the problem is: So, here it is.
License Request Error 0xc00D2751 (A problem has occured in the Digital Rights Management component....
Basically on restoring from backup the old DRM license was restored as well. This is not good even though this is the same computer, the license has changed. Why? well I do know but to fix it go here.
Solution to fix it
In summary remove the hidden DRM folder, YME will then recreate it.
You Stole my Name!
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